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A Leadership Is…

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What is Leadership anyway? What makes someone a good leader? Is this our natural ability or somewhere we picked certain qualities, secret ingredients not known by many. What made us Trusted, valuable, preferred choice in the eyes of our followers, friends, employees, our families? What is learnable and where we have to build on our inborn abilities?

Personal Journey, Self – Discovery And Alchemy

There are thousands studies, books written, seminars, workshops, courses etc on  leadership qualities, characteristics and mindset that all paint the vivid picture about What the leadership really is.

Some that are important to mention…

We are all Leaders, only our responsibilities, roles and functions differ

We all have different roles, responsibilities, tasks, jobs where, with or without titles, formally or informally we act as leaders. Honestly, we are. In our family, our community, our or someone else’s  company, at work, in the sport club, at the soccer field or just about everywhere we interact with other people.  The best thing is that we live with a leader 24/7  and we face them in different types, shapes and roles every day. Leading without formal title is a highest form of leadership and often true, inspirational and pure in its existence. Formal on the other hand goes with titles, positions, accreditations etc. Note for observation, informal will always precede formal form of leadership, not the other way around as true leaders first gain respect from others. Formal may or may not follow. Sometimes life is to short for a recognition of  a true leadership.

Leadership is sometime unreasonable and ex-centric

Sometimes, to be a leader and to stand up, we must face our demons, fears, common majority beliefs (if they are against us). True leadership is the ability and willingness to go for that extra step, to push for that extra meter, to press when everybody else already quit, to go against the majority. Looking from the side it may look unreasonable, strange, even crazy sometimes but this is how it is…When they know, they know and they are willing to try it and die for it!

Leadership is a journey of becoming. Leadership is giving

Born Or Learned? Personal opinion, more learned than inborn. The inborn Qualities, with the correct environment stimulus and exposure,  may  develop their full potential. Everything is learnable. You study to become doctor, finance specialist, lawyer, scientist, business coach, accountant…There is no mystery with leadership either.  You  become a true leader progressively. You learn, fail, test, adjust and finally find your way to the greatness.  With different roles, come different responsibilities, experiences and influences. Commitment to self improvement is crucial in becoming a true leader but even more important is a fearless mentality. Leaders firs master themselves in order to master others. Willingness to put yourself to the test when stakes are high, to take action knowing that you may not succeed is a real attitude challenge.

Leadership  journey is a self-discovery and  Inside-Out process. Leaders make others better. Leadership is Alchemy.

As an adage goes “action speaks louder than words.” Keep in mind that your trustworthiness as a leader depends much on your actions: your dealings with your family, friends, and co-workers; your way of running your personal and organizational responsibilities; and even the way you talk with the neighbors across the street. Repeated actions become habits. Habits in turn form a person’s character.

Leadership is everyones responsibility. No one succeeds alone, no one fails alone. Leaders materialise visions through others, faster, purposefully and for a common benefit. Leadership is sharing

The power of associations, sense of  belonging, networks and powerful masterminding is everything. You can’t reach it from isolation, lone wolfs are dead. The true magic lays in the ability of leaders to inspire and motivate others to contribute and even exceed  the expectations. A  trust between a leader and followers is built on integrity and following on promises. When word is a paramount, something that must be honored confidence and respect bound powerfully.

Leadership is constant and doesn’t  depend on the situation, challenge or problems we face. Leadership journey is a test of perseverance

There are no double personalities with true leadership as true leaders have one face for every situation, no matter how hard, challenging or pressing it may be.

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