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Leadership is about the Vision

Contrary to what most people believe, leadership is not about exercising power over subordinates. It is all about making others better off  and adding value. Taking advantage over people, pressurize them using fear or emphasizing position and authority over empathy and sincerity seldom pays off. Great Leadership is about encouraging others to contribute more, become better and to focus wholeheartedly towards the organisation’s goals. When higher aims become known to everyone it is easier to align, motivate and guide all involved parties  to the common objective and helping them to see a bigger picture. Leadership is not a position it is a choice, something that comes inside. Sometimes it is a vision and purpose that holds the organisation together even if everything else is going wrong.

People follow Purpose and Clarity

People will follow clarity, wisdom, courage, purpose and confidence. There are 5 things that leaders can’t hide, you either have them or you don’t have them. Simple as that! They are knowledge, experience, trustworthiness and integrity! Attempting the old one “Fake it till you make it”, here is a recipe for disaster. People will recognise shortcomings sooner or later and covering yourself will eventually produce embarrassment and harm.  Not knowing your purpose is like driving a car in foreign country without a road map. You may find your way eventually but your chances are very slim at their best…and remember this one “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there”. Enough explained…

You Must Become Better!

Being a motivator, empowering visionary is not about what you make others do for you. If you want to change the world start with yourself. In your attempts to change your business start with yourself first, not others, not illusionary competition, governments, market conditions. Accept the responsibility and start with your thinking and your behaviors.  Problems and issues are 99% somewhere between your ears. Remember this one from late Jim Rhon ” if you want your life to become better, you must become better“. Unfortunately no one can do it for you. Your life, your responsibility to make the most out of it. It is therefore right to say that you must live your vision everyday. Everything counts and everything matters. It’s about who you are, what you believe, what you stand for, what you know, what you do on a consistent basis and how is that what you do resonates with your environment. You are a example and a role model for your followers. Bad leaders, bad businesses. Lazy leaders, lazy employees, lazy sales and profits. No integrity towards, you can’t expect anything in return.

Openness in communication between your team, employees, fellow leaders (as I believe we are all leaders of some sort) is a paramount to good leadership. The “Blame Game” opposed  to trustworthiness and results oriented communication impair good intentions. Be solution focused, think proactively, think big and after all play big. Focus on important and high yielding activities, avoid mediocre results, quick fixes, back-door politics of any kind. Be fair, but sometimes unreasonable  and explosive. And always be engaged, committed 100%. This is how champions play their games.

You can’t Succeed Alone! Share your achievements!

After all you can’t succeed alone. You must build on and leverage on achievements of others. You can’t be everything to everybody and the master of all trades. Suppress your ego, be approachable and people will realise, share and deliver. Romantic heroes are now alone, old and out of touch with reality. Even if the highest position is yours, You are definitely not the smartest and most knowledgeable person in your organisation, environment, surroundings. Show sometimes your vulnerability, make a joke out of it, laugh about it and continue stronger and motivated.  Perfection does not exist so you should not claim to know everything, and you should not rely upon your skills alone. Recognize the talent and commitment often and universe will return it to you in abundance.

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