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Business SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis as the current reality examiner in your business Today we get to talk about the SWOT analysis, which really becomes the current reality examiner for you and your business. This is the ultimate moment of truth – determining just who, what, where, when, and why your business goes forward. In this lesson, I…

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How To Formulate Compelling Vision Statement?

Vision must be in writing Creating your first vision statement isn’t difficult in terms of writing it per se. It is, however, mental exercise that requires your full attention. It is important, as your mission acts as invisible hand, guiding and leading at the same time while providing purpose for everyone in your team to…

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Big Vision For Your Growing Business

Why big vision matters  In this post or a lesson, we talk about YOUR BIG VISION, as well as YOUR MISSION. We will discuss your business, the personal expressions about what matters most to you in the current situation and in regards to desired future you are creating. We will also discuss entrepreneurial mindset, and…

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The Top 10 Priorities For Business Growth

Business Growth Fundamentals – The Top 10 Priorities For Growing Successful Businesses Statistics don’t lie. Numbers don’t stack in your favour when commencing a business venture alone. Numerous researches prove my point, where 80 % of businesses fail within 5 years from inception. It is a harsh reality for some who ignore basic principles and…

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Business Reality Checking & Business Focus – Are You Passionate About What You Intend To Do?

Where Your Entrepreneurial Business Focus Should Be When You Are Starting The Business In early stages of growth, two things determine everything that business may become; founder’s passion and the business focus on results, mission and vision. So, where do you get the passion that is necessary for the early stages of your business development?…

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Do You Make These Mistakes In Your Business_Part 3

Lack of Financial Education Not knowing your key financial indicators and not raising your hand for quality financial advice is by far the most painful mistake someone in business could make. Why is it so? Let me explain; when money is involved and you lose your savings, your retirement or funds for your kid’s education,…

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Do You Make These Mistakes In Your Business _ Part 1

The main purpose of this series of articles is to emphasise 2 things. First, to make you, the “entrepreneur in the making”, aware of the learning curve you need to get into, to make your business thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Second, to point out that your learning span could be significantly shortened if…

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What if “Someday” never comes?

Business growth coach will suggest that you make plans to pay yourself first and plan to reward yourself for every meaningful contribution and every positive achievement that you are proud off. “I pay myself first, and don’t make undue personal sacrifices of time or money for the sake of the business. “  Maybe the statement…

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6 Essential Steps You Must Take To Perform in Anything

After careful consideration and thinking around what makes a person successful, I came to the realization that there are 6 essential ingredients that must be present to succeed in anything we want. Here they are, outlined, summarized and emphasized for your benefits. You can take my observation and run with it, or you can simply…

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Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) in Marketing

Vilfredo Pareto, Italian economist, contributed greatly to both marketing and business thinking and left us with some important postulates to consider in everything we do. His theory and research, provided powerful insights for us to take further in exploring our ways to higher leverage, better outcomes, solutions, results…He originally analysed distribution of national wealth in…

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“Nobody Can Do It As Good As I Can” Syndrom

You may be one of those business owners who believes "nobody can do it as well as I can." You may be right, you may be wrong. Everyone's circumstances are different, but the key to business success does not lie in you doing everything you can possibly do. In fact, "you doing everything" stands smack dab in the way of business success. It only communicates deeper issue which is a lack of trust and accountability in your business. And as you may be very well aware, once it is gone, missing, shattered, in any area of life, trust is so hard to regain.

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Why You Need To Learn Effective Delegation

Why delegation matters in business and why you need to learn to delegate? Simply put, you can’t do it all. You don’t want to do it all. It will be a complete disservice if you do, so don’t even try. Effective delegation provides superior business development because now, your business grows independently from you, your skills and…

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Leadership Communications: Why A Good Commandment Turns Sour

The exceptional corporate culture is built on excellent communication and shared values. Let’s face it: Every employer has problems at specific points of the supreme position making an employee or more sway to their tune. This stems from organisational hierarchy and the corporate/business culture itself. Nothing gives an employer a darker nightmare than his employee(s)…

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Delegate, Out-Task, Out-Source Or Spin Your Wheels – Your Business, Your Life, Your Choice

“I delegate authority & allow others the freedom to determine how to reach co-created desired results. “ One of the critical success factors in building great companies and businesses is the ability of leaders (both in the hierarchy and without titles, formal and informal) to delegate effectively. In my opinion, great companies are built on…

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In Entrepreneurship The Emphasis Is On RISK

 The battle between Pro- and Anti-: The emphasis is on Risk Being averse to risks is definitely a trait for conservative minds but at times, even the most permissive psyche gives into it, confusing people all the more regarding whether risk-taking is another form of heresy. What they don’t understand is there’s a difference between…

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Why Did You Go Into Business Anyway?

Heartfelt Entrepreneurship: Unraveling the Emotional and Profound Realm of Business Ownership and Impactful Contributions If it were easy, everybody would be doing it. I went into business because I’m passionate about my industry, about being an entrepreneur and about enhancing, improving and adding value to someone’s business and life through my meaningful and just-in-time contributions…

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Beyond Motivation: Aligning Purpose, Passion, and Plans for Extraordinary Results

Clarity: The Cornerstone of Effective Business Action and Strategy Daydreaming of a brighter future is intoxicating, but translating those visions into reality demands concrete plans, strategies, and action. These elements, meticulously intertwined, pave the path to remarkable business performance. However, navigating this journey—reaching the proverbial pot of gold at the rainbow’s end—takes more than just…

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On Merging Leadership And Expertise

Leadership is about know what & why Half of business management is leadership; a complex issue encompassing important, competing and strategic elements of business operations. That twists the age-old saying of leaders being born; leaders, in the modern business world, are created. Or to be more precise co-created. Be absolutely sure about this. Experts, on…

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Accountability In Action

Accountability – Commitment Comes Inside-Out Is it great, innovative products or smart and competitive business and/or marketing strategies? A father of modern management, Peter Drucker, once said that business has only two distinctive functions – Marketing and Innovation. While the importance of these two cannot be overruled, a company or an organization is nothing if it…

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Build Your Fearless Self Esteem

“Our dependency makes slaves out of us, especially if this dependency is a dependency of our self-esteem. If you need encouragement, praise, pats on the back from everybody, then you make everybody your judge.” How do you stay positive when everything seems to work against you? How do you stay committed when obstacles and problems…

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Become A Respected Leader

Leadership is about the Vision Contrary to what most people believe, leadership is not about exercising power over subordinates. It is all about making others better off  and adding value. Taking advantage over people, pressurize them using fear or emphasizing position and authority over empathy and sincerity seldom pays off. Great Leadership is about encouraging others to contribute more, become better…

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A Leadership Is…

What is Leadership anyway? What makes someone a good leader? Is this our natural ability or somewhere we picked certain qualities, secret ingredients not known by many. What made us Trusted, valuable, preferred choice in the eyes of our followers, friends, employees, our families? What is learnable and where we have to build on our…

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The Business Planning Process

“If you are failing to take the opportunity  to get into business planning, and by doing so proactively shape and design your life, business and future –  someone else will take that opportunity away from you. Then,  it will be irrelevant what your intentions were. In doing so, you are planning to fail!” Having a…

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Culture Of Innovation In Your Business

It is really simple with innovation, as explained by Woody Allen: “If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative.” Woody Allen Innovation spirit and ability is a competitive resource that will propel your business success faster than any other strategy available. The absence of it and…

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Planning Around Your “Big Rocks”

Leaders plan around their “big rocks”, around their highest priorities in life and business and they never forget them. They are masters of leveraging and delegation! Good leaders are organised visionary minds who can transform desires, plans and visions into substantial and quantifiable results.  When someone is at the top of the ladder, distractions of…

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Leadership – Future Orientation

Leaders are committed lifelong learners and explorers. They require same qualities from others Leaders believe in self-improvement and education. They know that the speed at which they travel depends on qualities they develop in themselves and others. They improve on a daily basis in areas that matter the most to their goals, objectives and vision.…

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Time Management OXYMORON

Is Time Management For Business Owners and Organizations Really An Oxymoron Of Modern Era? Time management is an oxymoron in this modern era. Because of its non-renewable nature, time cannot be managed; it is always free to use and therefore available to all of us 24/7. Many people think and act as if they have…

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Leadership – Lead From Within In A Unique Way

Leading from Within: The Essence of True Leadership “A leader leads from within, empowers, provides purpose and inspires.” This simple statement encapsulates the core of effective leadership. It’s not about titles or authority, but about igniting a fire within others, empowering them to achieve extraordinary things. True leadership is an inside-out process, driven by authenticity,…

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The Importance Of Sound Financial Management Practices

The Blueprint for Business Financial Success Every business, whether just starting out or well-established, requires a robust plan to ensure its viability and success. But a business plan isn’t enough. A keen understanding of financial management will expose weaknesses, highlight strengths, and ensure strict adherence to that plan. When we review past performance to project…

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Business Systems Ensure Predictable Results

Beyond the Spark: Building a Sustainable Business with Solid Planning Each year, millions of people worldwide try to materialise their business visions. They commence their own entrepreneurial journeys and projects, hoping that their ideas, intentions, and skills will be sufficient for success. Some high expectations, financial resources, and relationships get shattered due to poor prior…

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