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Closing The Performance Gap Caused By Inaccurate Thinking

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Better thinking brings superior results, and in today’s ever-competitive world, results are everything. We are measured and valued by the results we produce, the solutions we create and the problems that we solve. The more we offer, the better, are rewards. The more we create, the larger our paycheque.

As everything around us is constantly changing, we are forced to improve ourselves in order to stay competitive. We strive to enhance our solution creating potentials.

The truth is that we never stay; still, we are either improving, or we are failing. Competitors never sleep and continuously work on their strengths to overcome us. Markets are changing, our knowledge and skills are becoming obsolete now, much faster than anytime before and what worked yesterday, today is more than likely unusable. This brings us to the point of truth and eventually means that, even if nothing is done, our position will deteriorate with time.


The GAP in our performances (GAP is the difference between our desired and actual results) causes us to be stressed out, to feel unimportant and somehow inadequate. We can’t materialise our vision, and no matter what we attempt, things are not working as desired, planned or envisioned. We chase invisible things, waste resources and get nowhere. So where is the problem in this flow?

Tony Robbins had to say:

The Change is Constant, Progress is Not!

You see, I am a firm believer that no matter where we are today, no matter how hard challenges may look and the adversity that is pressed upon our shoulders, we all have a choice to make a difference. We can do better in everything that matters.

So what is it with our thinking and what are the main reasons people (us) don’t perform to their full potentials?

With all of us, there are different views on this topic, different experiences and opinions, which is what gives a new dimension to the discussion.

The core reasons may very well be:

  • Lack of a clear, inspiring vision
  • Lack of a clear action plan
  • Lack of resources
  • Too ambitious and unrealistic
  • Lack of passion and commitments
  • Lack of focus; getting easily distracted
  • There is no external need for what we intend to do (no one wants it)

and I will not do anything to prove people wrong or to force my views on you, but there is something that I believe will determine, more than anything stated above, your results and the level of your achievements.

And that is :

Absolute honesty and the laser accuracy of thinking when it comes to the starting point of your journey.

Your ability to see everything around you as it is, to accurately examine your current situation and to perform an honest assessment on where you are today, relatively to your goals and visions, will do more than any other work, based on any areas stated above.

Thinking First, Strategies Second, Tactics Third

Because you will need to know your starting point with precision to devise proper strategies and tactics that will take you to wherever you need and want to be.

I am writing this article with the presupposition that you already know what it is that you are really after, what it is that you are building and what changes will happen in your life once you get there.

Gaps in our performances happen because we think that we are somewhere where we are currently not and therefore, avoid doing things that are appropriate and necessary for our current situation. Trust me on this, humans overestimate everything, whether it is good or bad. We run our minds on autopilot, accepting whatever comes to us as definite. We choose our actions based on our own stories and myths that we believe in.

We tell stories to ourselves where situations, problems and issues are worse than they really are or better than they really are. Those of us that maintain clarity about our own realities perform better and achieve more. Even the GAP exists and is followed and addressed by appropriate sets of actions, strategies and tactics for the exact situation and the exact desired outcome.

Closing The Performance Gap By Improving Accuracy Of Your Thinking

Today, you must close this “Thinking” gap. It would be best if you went back to basics and by doing so, find your core purpose, values and vision. It would help if you saw it as it is today to paint the vivid picture of your future.

Thinking results, thinking progress, start firm, start strong, stay awakened…

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