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The fudge factors of team building

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How team building outperforms every other strategy to win against competitors every time?

How to build cohesive teams to create superior results and why “people powers” matter?

Team building! Drop amidst any boardroom meeting and invariably you’ll come across the topic for at least once; while some plan to get one together, others brag about their prowess to build one, manage it or pick apart one that exists; the question remains:

Do they at all understand the way to create an experience for a team to bring on the desired results?

Only partially and that explains why targets are not fulfilled completely 90% of the times. For, being in a team requires a person to feel being a part of a large something that surpasses self; without understanding properly the mission or an organisation’s objectives capsizes the boat; if not fully, then up to an extent. However, before moving any further, we need to get the concept of Team Building clear enough so that none of the included agendas seems out of place to a team member.

Team work focuses on common objectives, goals and strategies

Teamwork is focused approach towards common goals, goals and strategies

Team building involves putting together a range of practices and activities that’ll improve a team’s overall performance. These could be simple, bonding exercises or complex simulations that will surpass the mere theory on which it will be based.

Where to focus in team building process

Team building must also exclude the term team recreation, for activities strictly recreational are not an important factor and doesn’t focus on ensuring self-development or positive communications except in certain cases; it also doesn’t help the development of leadership skills and joint performances towards troubleshooting. In a nutshell, team building must focus on:

  • Improvement of interpersonal and external communication modes.

  • Creating an enjoyable workplace.

  • Individual and collective motivation.

  • Knowing each other and devising an effective collaboration.

  • Equality.

  • Self-realizations (strengths and weaknesses) and self-regulation strategies.

  • Identifying and utilising the strengths of team members.

Superior people create superior results. Period. Better the team, better is a business.

Team building brings great people working around the common purpose.

On the leader’s end, it’s absolutely essential considering creating prospects for continuous improvement, quality maintenance and self-directional work rules. That requires letting team members know clearly about expectations, the context of an assignment, the kind of commitment one must put in (this comes under expectations, which again comes under communication skills), developing competence in every person  and directing them towards one single goal (control), collaboration, creative innovation and imparting in every team member the ability to understand the consequences.

Team building starts with leadership and never finishes

Building a cohesive and powerful team depends on how good a team leader’s coordination skills are, especially in the case of a team comprising members from different cultural backgrounds. That way, it paves the way for team members to build mutual trust and openness that reflects their performance and activities. This is when team bonding comes helpful; social times allow gauging the impression team members bear towards each other.

Business Growth is a process

Working As A Team And Winning

Businesses become great when they have engaged, motivated and educated teams of people who together create results way more powerful than if they were performing individually. When joint effort creates an outcome that is greater than the sum of each effort business thrives.

People are assets, not numbers. People have feelings, interests, drives and desires. People can make a difference. People working on common vision and aims are capable of producing miracles.

Having powerful and cohesive teams is critical to business success. The most of all, if possible, a personality and an EQ test for every team member are essential, followed by group tests of the same. It will help a team leader understand how every member must be dealt with, as well as the collective prowess of an entire group. Sadly, it is often overlooked; the sooner the corporate world comes to understand that every person is different, better shall be the overall outcome.

What team building involves and what successful business must do

Provide valuable feedback. Tell it how it is. Don’t be arrogant. Be always team oriented. Eliminate grey areas by defining responsibilities, best practices and job descriptions.

More than anything, value differences. Value inputs and opinions. Create options and remove roadblocks to performances. Engage in conversations and give support.

Know your team. Be genuinely interested in people. Know about their passions. Help them become better. Don’t attempt to be the smartest person in the room. Provide resources and they will amaze you with their creativity. Always, eliminate fears by staying on their side.

People have good intentions. No one wants to fail deliberately. Believe in good, believe in team building, develop your key personnel and let your people overgrown You.

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