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Lift Your Game, Polish Your Tactics

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Nine-tenths of tactics are certain, and taught in books: but the irrational tenth is like the kingfisher flashing across the pool, and that is the test of generals.
T. E. Lawrence 

In life and business, nothing happens until somebody does something.

Your intentions no matter how good they are as well as your skills and knowledge unless applied will remain exactly that – plans and dreams and somewhat wasted opportunities.

So what are the tactics anyway?

If you are like me, you will most likely be obsessed with results, applications and testing. And tactics, if you analyze carefully, are nothing more and nothing less than that. Simplifying, things that you do (operations) that will produce desired results and achieve decisive wins, according to your standards are tactics.

It could be also explained that TACTICS are those actions that you need to take and the areas where they are most likely to produce the greatest impact. Also, we will touch on what you must do to stay totally committed and focused on the tasks and goals at hand.

Please, follow me further as I explain…

Your Business Tactics and Actions towards Success

Once you get the ball rolling in your business, determine the goals and the strategies you must employ, and can adequately track the progress and understand the logistics of your business, it is time to get down and dirty with your tactics and actions. The active feedback is the ultimate showdown between your business and the world, and proves just where you fit in within the market.

You WILL Define Your Best Intentions with Your Best ACTIONS towards Achieving Them

Your tactics and actions are going to be highly dependent on your capabilities – what it is your business can do at this time. Your current strengths are so important as these strengths must be highlighted and worked further to increase excellence, as you determine the areas that could also use a bit more work for better results.

Determine Effective and Efficient Tactics

The first thing to remember is that your tactics should utilize your resources within minimal means to promote the most utilization of each. You should strive to full utilization in everything you do. Maximise results and minimise inputs. At the same time, your tactics should be effective, offering higher results with less resource use overall. Your tactics should help you reach your goal promptly, with all necessary and relevant resources of mind.

Creating the right tactics for your business isn’t impossible, but can be a challenge if you haven’t fully explored the goals, intentions, and purpose of the enterprise. Your motives should be reaching goals through innovative, updated, and creative means.

Business Tactics and Strategies

Effectiveness in your strategies is essential! There are times when strategies may need to be reworked to remain valid, or could even be eliminated as time goes on. It is important that you review your progress with each strategy you employ time and time again to ensure that they are always profiting you and aren’t holding you back.

Operating with Your Strengths in Mind

Find your strengths and exploit them to their fullest capability. These are your primary tools for your business and will help you succeed in all trials and challenges you encounter. These strengths should be identified, and will include your passion and knowledge as well. The formula for success is as follows:

Critical Success Elements (necessary ingredients)

= Passion + Knowledge + Needs + Strengths + Discipline


All these things are valuable, as they increase your potential in your market.

 Passion: The passion you hold for what you do and where you see the business going. The compassion you have for those you serve and the need to provide them with the highest quality possible.

 Knowledge: What you are bringing to the plate, what you offer to those you serve, and how well and proficient you operate within the business. How well you understand your market and your consumers or clients.

Needs: The needs that must be met to do what you do best, and the needs that you strive to fulfill within your business and your consumer base. The needs that you can distinguish and utilize to strive for something better through the business.

Strengths: Those things that you do best and can provide without flaw, the most effective areas of your business, and the highest operational components. What you should be marketing upon and growing through the enterprise for full function.

Discipline: Well, you should know with precision where and why you are off your charted course. You don’t need me to point that to you.

All these things together combine to create the areas of your business that you should be opening up and utilizing most to achieve your goals in the method intended. When these five present, you should be relatively safe that you have all necessary ingredients for a great business.

Lift your game before it becomes obvious and compulsory.

Your Actions

The actions that you follow are the overall steps towards developing your strategies adequately. You can have all the plans and strategies you want, but not until you put forth action are you doing what it takes to rise to the top. Taking action is employing your strategies and making your fantasies of the perfect successful business a reality.

Gathering all your gusto to put forth the effort to tactics and strategies that you have crafted through considerable thought and analysis of yourself and your business will ensure that your success is on the path you follow.

Plans are worthless, planning is precious

Giving yourself the action plan and following it can provide you with the timely reaching of goals that you strive for each day of operation.

Action List for This Week

  1. Know your goals, strategies, and commitments, schedule some specific actions/tactics that you are prepared to take on this week!
  2. Determine just how these actions are most likely to position you and your business closer to achieving your overall goals and strategies you set for yourself in an earlier process?
  3. If these are to be completed as planned, what would be your next logical step forward?
  4. Do you have what is necessary to move faster and smarter, while remaining focused?
  5. What is needed to move you forward?
  6. What needs to be simplified? What can be eliminated?
  7. What must you constantly do? What do you need to stop doing it?
  8. How will you know that you are making progress?
  9. What results, outcomes, solutions will prove it?
  10. What is your next step?

To summarise, you must work with the absolute focus on your winning tactics. Be reasonable, and be sure not to overload yourself. One step at a time is always the best strategy. One tactic, one resolution, one step forward…

Remember ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. So do what you say you are going to do, in a way you said you are going to do, and when you said you are going to do it. Keep promises to yourself first, build the momentum and stay active…





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