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“Nobody Can Do It As Good As I Can” Syndrom

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If you are suffering from this syndrome, your chances to win in business and life are at their best very slim. You will be running at your full steam for some time, wondering around and chasing all interesting opportunities. You may experience information overload, disappointment and frustration with your overall result.

You are definitely, not the smartest , the most skilled, the most qualified person for the job, so why even bother attempting to be everything to everybody. You need to learn to let it go…

Of course, when you’re getting started and have no staff, there’s nobody to delegate to. This is a wonderful place to be. Believe me! You set the rules from the start. Even then, creating policies, procedures and systems is laying the groundwork for the delegation you’ll eventually do when you hire employees. It’s never too early to either delegate or to prepare to do so.

You may be one of those business owners who believes “nobody can do it as well as I can.” This is by the way one of the topics we deal with it in our Coaching Club! You may be right, you may be wrong. Everyone’s circumstances are different, but the key to business success does not lie in you doing everything. In fact, “you doing everything” stands smack dab in the way of business success. It only communicates deeper issue which is a lack of trust and accountability in your business. And as you may be very well aware, once it is gone, missing, shattered, in any area of life, trust is so hard to regain.

In business, nothing happens overnight

We’re right back to hiring the right people. Put the right folks on your team, train them and trust them. Give them responsibility and make them accountable for results. Communicate vision and results that really matter. Involve your team in co-creation process, make them a part of a bigger picture. Give them a credit when they do right things and be there for them through their learning and growth process.

And, finally most importantly- maybe they won’t do it as well as you do from the start. Maybe your training efforts can’t produce winners in its first attempts. You may need to adjust, align and restructure your training. Even start from the start one more time. That is your learning curve, your valuable feedback, your entrepreneurial development. Then again, start your new journey, with some new faces and new commitment and trust me –  if given the right chance and provided with your unreserved support they may surprise you.

Never question their skills in this early stage. Skills can be learned, attitude, discipline and commitment matter.

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