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Personal SWOT Analysis And Business Reflections

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Where Your Personal SWOT Analysis Counts

A personal SWOT analysis further identifies the same things within yourself, giving you a broader range of opportunities that are found within the business as you inevitably hold the reigns. The personal SWOT is as important to your business as the business SWOT analysis, offering a great picture of just what strengths and weaknesses you bring to the plate yourself.

Your business is You

In the earliest development stage of your new venture,  You are your business. It grows or stagnates because of you. You are the leading thinker, mastermind, and creator. It fully reflects your personal values, motives, and desires. Very often, You are the primary constraint.

You can find out where you excel within the business, and how well you are gearing and focusing the business in the right pathway. Ignoring this analysis could easily lead to unknown weaknesses within yourself that can bring your business down in the end. SWOT is about defining and building foundations. SWOT is about the true DNA of your business.

Overall, the SWOT analysis brings you down to the gravity of your current business reality, allowing you to envision the future better, forecasting for your business with a steadier mind frame. This tool should never be neglected as it could lead to your business falling out of line with its real abilities and capabilities, creating a rift between your plans and goals, your reality, and your outcome in the business efforts you put forth.

Now it is Your Turn:

 SWOT analysis

  • What is something that you are really good at?
  • What is something that you can be excellent at?
  • What should you start doing more?
  • What should you avoid or stop doing?
  • What is something that you can do today to leverage your strengths?
  • What are some opportunities available to you today?
  • Is there anything that may cause pains, problems, and issues to you and your business?
  • What must you do to ensure these don’t happen?

This will become your preliminary work – before you begin building your new venture, it is extremely beneficial that you have a clear insight into both your current situation as well as the future opportunities available to you.

Honesty with self and others – the main prerequisite

Be honest with yourself – be reasonable but expect only the best – you are building a solid foundation, and it is vital that you place your growing enterprise on something that is completely reliable and secure. You should look for potential, something basic and already within you, in possession, and where your chances for success are the highest.

My point is this. It is always easier to exploit something that you already have and are good at than to exploit something that you are yet to acquire, master and leverage… Your foundation is the cornerstone for all your initiatives, moves and strategic options.

You must play it according to your strengths; there is no other secret wisdom in SWOT.

Your overall platform must be rock-solid, and you will only be able to build this platform if you are thinking of everything well in advance, and if you are completely thorough in your analysis, planning moves with laser precision. However, remember that there are no guarantees in life – you will make some wrong decision here and there, calculated but somehow wrong moves, and execute weaker plans than you originally intended – and that is perfectly fine and somehow expected. No one does it perfectly from its first attempt.

Perfection doesn’t exist and no one makes it right from its first attempt

Execution comes from acting through major plans, not the opposite. Simpler but robust plans ensure superior performance. Your business will only succeed if you are present in both the VISION and EXECUTION; we create mentally first then we shape it, materialize and build in reality.

Your goal should be playing the game of life, with all your strengths in mind. You must want, need, and prepare to contribute to this world within your strongest areas personally and within your venture! Untapped potential will always stay untapped if both; the awareness of it and perseverance to create stays buried and hidden.

SWOT analysis is both the most personal and vital business checkpoint! Your true standing point in any given moment in time – but it should never become your limiting factor. This is something you should keep in mind. It will serve you if you are honest to scratch the surface if you are determined to find more about yourself and about what your business potentials are.

Your goal for every single thing you do should be to emphasize on your competitive advantages if any apply to you, as well as your strengths and core values. You must be completely clear about the limitations you are bound to, and at the same time avoid by all means discouragement as you move forward. The ultimate key is movement in the desired direction…

We are not good at everything, but we must be good at something. Someone says it even more succinctly:

You need to know something about everything

and everything about something.

Your limitations are not definite, ultimate, or final – they should come to serve you as excellent growth opportunities if you can identify, assess, and utilize them properly. If you can step outside your comfort zone, your business will benefit, and the area of your expertise will begin to form more congruently with your overall VISION.

Sound a bit complicated? Be rest assured that it isn’t…

What You Must Do

  • You must become better if you want your life to improve – and you need to work smarter to help your business prosper.
  • You must also increase the influence in direct proportion to the overall quality of your work – value that you provide and people that you move…
  • You must be able to turn your obstacles into opportunities; weaknesses into positive potential, and build your mental and physical muscles to achieve your goals adequately.
  • You must become a strategic entrepreneur that thinks both broader and narrower depending on the situation.
  • You must be able to test your assumptions – while trying, failing, and standing back up.
  • You must be able to think your way through, as your brain holds the ultimate key to the missing ingredient in your business puzzle.
  • Stay focused and determined to do your best work possible…
  • Believe You can do it – you are perfectly capable of doing it, there is no question about it!
  • And finally, You must apply some of these things you have just learned while helping and teaching others also to build on their unique talents and raise their A-Game. No one does it alone…
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