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What Is Your Purpose

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At a certain point, you have to suck it up and cope.

Charlie Munger

Which do you prefer: smooth-water sailing or the amazing adventure of life? What is your life about?

The World is impatient.

No matter what you decide, the World will go on. Things will change, opportunities will arise, and somebody brave and crazy enough will take them. And then, the rest of us will talk about it. The World is impatient; we are an instant society. We want progress but are unprepared to pay the price. We value innovation but prefer safety. Creativity is suppressed; the process is shortened. Growth is incremental and thinking mostly stays safe in the box. We strive for the certainty of the “already experienced”. But better the devil, you know…

Chasing endless opportunities leads to mediocrity.

Opportunities are potentially endless. However, the real ones don’t come often. We can’t have it all, because chasing after too many objectives leads to mediocrity. To know something about everything is not enough to make a difference, and it is a certain road to becoming a generalist. Decide what matters, and break the mould. Love your challenges and work to overcome them. Be flexible, and think of solutions, not problems.

Have your own measuring standards

Do not put yourself in a box; do not categorise, and do not label. There is always more to a challenge than what is visible. Find the deeper meaning, and ignite your passion. There are always options available, and among them is a solution.

What is true freedom?

The only true freedom you will ever have is your ability to choose: When your pool of options is full, and ever-changing, finding a possibility in your chosen “sweet spot” can be life-changing. The sooner we discover it, the better our chances of making a genuine impact. This is because our lifespan offers only a limited “time supply”. Time is precious, and timing is everything. Be wise about the way you trade with this most precious commodity: Time is life. You use it to pay for whatever it is that you are building: You pay with your life, and timing is all about choices…

Making tough decisions your way

Finally, we must make tough decisions. Our choices and decisions define our lives. We are here where we are, and we will arrive where we are headed, because of the opportunities and decisions we have made. Do you stick with it, or abandon it? Do you make it happen or quit? Do you persevere or make a “half-baked” effort? The choices are yours, and no one is going to come to your rescue…

You must become better.

At this point, you may be wondering what I am talking about and whether all this makes sense. You see, I am preparing you for a universal truth: For your life to improve you must face your challenges head-on, you must wrestle with them, and dismantle and destroy your self-imposed roadblocks, doubts and insecurities. You must be more, do more, and think more if you want to have more. Learning and growing is the ultimate preparation for life, positioning you for your “Five minutes of glory”. As I told you, the real opportunities you will have are just a handful…

Applied knowledge is what counts.

Credibility and expertise both come from knowing more. Knowledge is unboxed potential. Applied knowledge is potentially unlimited power. It is certainly the only true power in your arsenal of thoughts, mindset and self-belief. Success doesn’t come easily; one has to earn it through preparation.

Beliefs and what is in it for you at the end of the journey

You must believe that somewhere, at the end of your journey, there will be a payback, whatever that may be, for overcoming life’s challenges, and that it will be higher than the price you paid. How you put a value on the knowledge you have acquired, and the time you have devoted is your personal decision. How you want to be remembered is not only a choice; it is a decision that you need to make.

Your five minutes of glory

Love your challenges: Love those mind-blowing, life and career-changing moments of truth where you need to make big decisions. Love those moments when you step up because you have chosen, not because it was handed to you. Love your challenges, they will define you. They make you stronger. They make you tough. They will make you irreplaceable.
Love those moments of truth where you can shine. It is your decision, your “Five minutes of glory”, your only appearance on the stage of life…

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