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Business Reality Checking & Business Focus – Are You Passionate About What You Intend To Do?

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Where Your Entrepreneurial Business Focus Should Be When You Are Starting The Business

In early stages of growth, two things determine everything that business may become; founder’s passion and the business focus on results, mission and vision. So, where do you get the passion that is necessary for the early stages of your business development? And, if you don’t have it, can you get it? Beats me. I’m neither a psychologist nor mind reader nor a soothsayer.

My long time friend often says “I am not Nostradamus. Even if I am; I don’t think it will help us here. I don’t know where it comes from, and I doubt that anyone else does, either. I doubt passion in business can be taught, but maybe it can be caught through focusing on the right things.  Without it, you’re just going through the motions. You are an empty suit, and you will last to the point where initial enthusiasm is completely dried out.

Passion is the fuel that drives your engine. Business focus makes it relevant and structured. Regardless of where it comes from, it would help if you had it to succeed.

Don’t ask me where it is if you can’t find that initial catalyst, entrepreneurial seizure ignition or so. 


There is something you should be clear with yourself first and remember, no one and I said no one knows what you are capable off, what you want, what are your intentions. Remember, no one knows more than you do about the ways you are going to make this world a better place! However, it is your responsibility, only yours, to place your business focus on the right things.

So if you are not sure about your purpose and still looking for your passion, please, go back to your basics, to your core premises, your origins and vision. There must be an answer, or you are either in the wrong business or your intentions are wrong! One of the other! You must be certain that your actions will adequately support your intentions. The key is Purpose and of course, Passion! Your business focus must be on things that you do great and love doing it.

Your business focus is not about financial rewards alone.

The business focus is not about financial rewards … money is important, don’t get me wrong. It puts food on the table, pays for expenses, sends your kids to university, it secures your future, retirement, pays for exotic holidays and provide for the care to those that need it. People do, in fact, get very passionate about money and by doing so, put money and focus on it where it shouldn’t be. If you go into business just for the money, things probably won’t work out so well.

You will soon realise that there is always something that precedes, some form of a higher priority. Never, ever confuse a passion for money with passion for business, serving others or your industry. Stop it right now.

Money is never the true reason why you are here! Be honest with yourself. If your business focus is from your early days only on money that it is a wrong focus. The harsh reality and a paradox as it looks!? We work more, better and smarter for more money, but money alone is seldom our major objective and focus.

Where to concentrate your efforts and your business focus for the best long term results

You should be focused on client attraction, satisfaction, business systems and value-adding activities and chains. If you take care of them, then money will logically flow your way. Supposedly, if your business focus is on money alone, you are chasing wrong objectives and neglect everything above that will ruin your position, attractiveness and chances. Your focus is on money while all other parts of your business puzzle suffer.

Business Focus and monetary rewards

It is not all about money, but money is important…

Critical Difference # 1 – It is not all about money

My late uncle, God bless his soul in his attempts to provoke people to realize this often said:

This is not about money alone! You know there is something about gold and the peace of a nice(water-views if possible)real estate as well! Don’t single-mindedly focus on money!”

His point was to move not only entrepreneurs from material(money) objectives to intangible and value-creating objectives. Back then, he realised this critical difference. Of course, once money flow is there, accumulation, preservation and investing, in other words, “money focus” will be at your full attention.

How do you know if you have a passion for something?

You’ve heard the old saying, “If you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it. Similarly, it could be said, “If you have to ask if you’re passionate about something, you probably aren’t.” You don’t ask for it first thing in the morning. You know it is there, and you live, act and do what has to be done accordingly.

Think about being self-employed… about being your own boss. Don’t get me wrong here as this is not about hierarchy in the organisation and “I am the smartest and no-one-above me” attitudes.

Think about having your future in your own hands, a flexible schedule, financial rewards, and the potential to let your success touch others along the way and ultimately make them better off. This is about expressing uniqueness in your own terms.

Think about your value points, your creation, and how will the life of those that use your service, product and offerings, be somehow better, improved and more purposefully energised.

Think about your industry, your craft, your skill, your uniqueness, value and about all the people you want to move, touch and energise in this process.

In all cases, do you eat it, sleep it, breath it? Are you drawn to conferences and trade journals? Do you like to talk about entrepreneurship and your industry… to share with others and learn from others? Do plans, ideas and “what ifs” pop into your head, turning themselves into written notes as soon as you get a chance? Remember – It takes only one good idea to make it. No more than that. Only one good, breakthrough idea!

To be clear, I’m not talking about obsession. If you worry that you’re obsessed with business or your industry, seek professional help. When you’re better, start reading again right here where you left off.

Critical Difference # 2 – Fuel for life

Your business first serves you by feeding your passion and objectives. Some entrepreneurs may say their business completes them. It fuels their life! Not the other way around. We work to live, not live to work. Big difference but so many people get it wrong!

My Reality Checking Point 

“ I went into business because I’m passionate about my industry, about serving others through meaningful contribution and about being an entrepreneur. My business focus is clear. I am on the mission. I am passionate about it and will do everything I can to make it happen! I know my objectives and follow them to the letter!”

Can you honestly make this statement about your business focus?

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