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Be Sincere To Yourself In Business

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The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity.

Andre Gide

Lying implies misrepresentation of the truth, which is the reason for so much emphasis on the value of honesty in every area of your life and business. The first lesson you’ll ever get from your parents, mentors and coaches are always – be truthful. In business, honesty holds the same position, while dishonesty may be fatal.

If you lie to yourself and live a life of delusion, then the chances of your inability to face any adverse situation will increase. Though business sometimes involves a lot of uncertainties and reality manipulations, these should never overshadow reality.

Sometimes in stressful situations, we try to believe that everything is just fine; such an illusion can lead to pitfalls. Above all, a leader of the firm should at least be truthful to himself, which will provide a right approach in handling all the problematic issues. Facing those brutal facts of reality is the ultimate key to overcoming difficulties and devising strategies for growth.

Face the truth

You must face the truth, and nothing but the truth or you will be facing the music.

Your misrepresentation of the truth will misrepresent the company’s directions and values, your people and their needs, stakeholder’s wants and expectations. As a role model for your employees, you need to guide them in the right direction, provide assistance and ensure their development.

See things as they are. If you have a problem, accept it, think about solutions and try to set it right. “Too hard basket” could not be overlooked. Issues of today do not disappear effortlessly and easy. There is no such thing as getting something for nothing. No one will solve your questions, and no one cares to do so.  Usually, ignorance creates a bigger problem for the future. Learn from even a small mistake, ignoring them is denying oneself the opportunity of learning something new.

Breakthroughs usually occur when the ordinary way is challenged, and thinking is channelled from boxed to unboxed and then again back to boxed. Returning to boxed thinking environment means figuring out what is “the core” and then focusing on milestones that must be achieved so that business can progress. You see, sincerity in business means that your perspectives may be wrong and that you will need to consider other options, other views and some outside solutions. You may need to rework your plans and examine awareness and understanding. Both individual and team’s Once all the relevant facts are known you should reach for internal strengths and capabilities to bridge the gaps and fill the missing gaps.

Exact solution seldom comes from the outside

I somehow believe that there are no outside solutions to internal problems. Every change must come from within.

Do not pretend that you are someone that you are not.

Do not wear their masks; do not stand in someone’s shoes.

Be yourself,be real.

Know you options and limitations.


Choosing wisely is possible with the honesty and integrity unimpaired. This holds true for you too, there are various choices available, but it depends on you to make the best option. Always choose the path of honesty or live a life of delusion which is going to end eventually.

It is better to face the challenges than burying your head in the sand, as in the end all the problems will pile up and bring a blow to the business.

You remember that famous Murphy’s law:

If things can go wrong, they will go wrong at the worst possible time.

Here, both ignorance and arrogance are your enemies; they will lead you in the wrong direction. It is good to accept your mistake and move ahead instead of ignoring it. It is wrong to assume that the business will be ok without your direct involvement. Such an attitude will benefit your rivals and help in their growth. Hope and “sit and wait” tactics are not how successful entrepreneurs achieve results.

Blind spots, errors and moving from ordinary

Be aware about blind spots in your business

Blind spots in business are dangerous

Re-examine, re-think, question everything

Keep track of people who are accountable for the results. You cannot ignore even a minor error from any corner. The important strategy to develop your business is identifying the blind spots if you are unable to find any loopholes and consider your work perfect; it is always good to take a second opinion from an expert. Analyse your practice from others perspective by keep asking who is going to benefit from your venture and how your work can improve their position. Also, think about how could you provide more value; value is the strongest motivator and the best way to differentiate yourself.

Think before you act, whether you are honest with yourself, your employees, customers, did you put your best work, hundred per cent in the product or service. Small things matter a lot, and it is with sincerity and truth that can make everything more reliable and fruitful.



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