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“The CORE” – How Focusing on “Vital Few” makes You one step closer to Crushing It in Business

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Focusing on priorities, as ongoing research proves, becomes the major problem of modern business.

Attractive options, promising opportunities and  “too-good-to-be-true” stories are everywhere. Often, they may derail a business’s purpose and its course of action. Seldom, they are necessities.

In today’s ‘ Consumerist society”, people buy, do, consume, make decisions, enjoy certain things for so many reasons often without logical reasons justifying their choices. Moreover, business is no different.

Just add to the equations that instant solutions and quick fixes are prefered options, and attention span got considerably shorter, and you have a mix of variables dictating all the actions you will need to take.

Superfast gratification, superfast results, cutting corners, all things instant, self-proclaimed experts, old tactics for modern problems…that is where I am leaning.

How do you know that the urgent issue is your core priority? And who decides what does matter the most?  

Has anyone discovered the real cause? Real problem? The underlying issue that if addressed could make it all nice and smooth, running like a clockwork?

Overnight success stories are rare at their best. I believe that you are with me on this one. No significant achievement in business is an instant creation.

Every business, great, small, large, ineffective, superior, just any under the sun has its core business blocs upon which foundation for success is laid on. You may think of essential business blocs as cornerstones that hold together intended business structure. It is a business DNA, its success or failure code, something crucial to its existence.

If positioned in the right order and with many thoughts invested in planning, mapping and structuring the business model, the venture will produce results. Profits, consequences, excitements, rewards. You name it. Goodies…but!

If the opposite is the case, you may see a different outcome.

So essential blocs are essential for a reason. Without them, there is no business, no model, no repetition, no structure, no money, no good night sleep, nothing.

The point is, they are only random activities without a real impact.

You see what the core is to your business can be seen as the base. Your house. Your safety. Your castle. Your armour and your promise. Your hope and source of fears.

The core is the essence of all your business decisions, all your hypothesis, assumptions, forecasts, plans, intentions, everything foreseeable in your business steams from your foundations and core business blocks.

So “Core” is your reason to do what you are doing. The mission you need to accomplish and the vision that got you where you are today.

There are no shortcuts with “the core”. No half-baked ideas, no half-baked efforts. No halves. “The Core” is the point where “your game” is decided. You win or lose because of how well you cover “core” issues.

All because:

No Matter What You Do Before Or After, If You Do

Unsatisfactorily When It Matters The Most, You Are Out. Gone.

No More. Game Over. Period.

Your main priority is to find those core processes and make sure you have enough force and capacity to deal with issues that may affect these processes. Don’t buy into the belief that this is unnecessary or somehow over the top.

You need to know your core drivers, what makes your business successful. What defines it in the way it is right now?

What should your business be, and what must you avoid to grow it?

What do you must keep and enhance, develop and emphasise, discriminate or focus on to make it relevant, rock-solid, and successful?

Only you know these answers, and unfortunately, no one else can do it for you.

It is your baby; it is your business; it is your responsibility to find the best possible answers to most pressing problems you may encounter!

So, the question is how to strengthen the supporting structure?

First of all by knowing what they are and secondly by understanding business model limitations, knowing weaknesses and threats that those limitations may expose.

Thirdly, by keeping it simple but flexible.

Fourthly, by keeping everyone on the same page and committed to “The Core”.

And finally, by understanding that nothing in life is definite and striving for the neverending improvement of “The Core”.

It is your move.

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