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Values – Your Core Entrepreneurial Denominator

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This post is continuation about my latest thinking on Start-up Business Building  where we are going to explain VALUES on personal and organizational levels as well as their importance and relation to your various goals, objectives, and overall – your VISION.

So, let us begin with what is believed to be the most critical point on your business building venture!

Determining Your Values for Optimal Success

Starting your own business implies uncertainty in various forms. You will be presented with numerous tasks and challenges that must be addressed. Your main goal at this stage is to get clarity around your vision, to be certain what motivates you to do what you do, to create order, define objectives, and position yourself accordingly to your strengths.

The more you define in this earliest phase and the more you understand roles and players involved, the more you define purpose and your core drivers easier it becomes to create business that will work for you and for your benefits. This is a core essence of entrepreneurship which you will need to understand better for full use and appropriate application.

One of the tasks you encounter very early on – even before you get your first ideas – is clearly defining the business values, which should correlate with your personal values, and therefore important to your business success.

Take your time to determine what matters the most – and WHY it is so. Your new venture will follow and flourish with absolute clarity!

Your personal and business values will go hand in hand as you begin the business you put all your hopes and desires into, as you will later set goals that should also correlate with your personal wants. While you may take on the business as a separate entity from yourself, the key workings of it are really in tune with your personal inner workings, such as the things that you most want from the business, and the things you most want your business to do.

The CLARITY that surrounds your VALUES, is also the absolute clarity in your determination of what your business will be overall, and what type of person you must be to make these dreams a reality. Don’t ever take it lightly! This is absolutely crucial to your entrepreneurial journey! It is essential that you have a great start – and the great start must impose absolute clarity in your thinking patterns. Trust me on this; I am yet to see a start-up business that commenced poorly and became/ or ended as a great success.

Identification of Important Values

As you begin sorting the idea of a business in your mind, you have values that are forming, both within yourself and for your business, as you determine just what overall message you wish to send through your business. So, stop for a moment! Take a deep breath! Reflect for a while.

It is absolute must for you to determine your highest values before you do anything else.

Your values are quite important because they dictate the course of your business, the way you wish to represent yourself and the business, and the way you interact with those that take interest in your business such as investors and consumers.

Look at your values as your masters. They really rule your world. Everything you do or intend to do is determined by your core values. They drive you, they make you passionate, they make you worry and awaken at night. They also lift you up, nurture your spirit and give you strength and persistence to continue. And You must believe me…You need to know…

Remember – you will communicate your personal message through the business, as well as your services and products, innovation, and anything else that comes from the business. You are the CREATOR. Your VALUES, VISION, and PERSONALITY come alive in everything that you do, create, and even improve.

The overall idea is identifying the values that are most important, and could include the integrity, the honesty, and the ethics and morals that go into and come out of your business. Because of values our priorities may be different.

Identifying your core values goes beyond the business into yourself as well, as you are the main control of all that goes on within the business – so naturally those values you hold dear to yourself are quite essential to the business as well. 

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