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Why Trying to Control Everything is Slowly Killing Your Business (and What to Do Instead)

Imperative: Stop Playing God with Your Business

Ever feel like you’re the puppet master of your business, desperately pulling every string to keep everything from falling apart? It’s exhausting, right? If you’ve been told that total control is the key to business success, you’ve been sold a lie that’s probably costing you more time, money, and sanity than you realise.

The truth is, believing you need to be in charge of every detail is like trying to bail water out of a sinking ship with a thimble. Not only is it ineffective, but it also distracts you from the real work that needs to be done: expanding your Circle of Influence. That’s right—your business is suffering because you’re focusing on the wrong things.

Let’s talk about why playing God in your business is a fast track to burnout, how to redefine your Circle of Influence, and—most importantly—how to strategically expand it to finally achieve the results you’ve been chasing.

1. The Illusion of Control: Why Your Efforts Aren’t Paying Off

“I Can Control Everything” Syndrome

Here’s a hard pill to swallow: you’re not a superhero. You’re a business owner, a manager, a leader—whatever you want to call yourself—but you’re not omnipotent. And yet, most entrepreneurs operate under the delusion that if they just tighten their grip a little more, things will fall into place. Guess what? They won’t.

Trying to control everything is like playing a Whac-A-Mole game. The harder you smash one problem, the faster another pops up. Meanwhile, your stress levels skyrocket, your team loses motivation, and the entire operation grinds to a halt because—surprise, surprise—everyone’s waiting on you to make the next decision.

What’s Really Happening? Excessive To-Do List Seldom Equate To Progress 

Your obsession with control is shrinking your Circle of Influence instead of expanding it. Why? Because when you spend all your time micromanaging, you’re not leading—you’re babysitting. You’re wasting time on things with minimal impact and neglecting the areas where you could make a real difference. And that’s a stagnation recipe.

Action Step: List everything you are currently trying to control. Now, cross off everything that doesn’t directly impact your primary business goals. Congratulations! You’ve just cleared up your schedule to focus on what actually matters.

2. Why Overextending Your Influence is Hurting You (and Everyone Around You)

The “Jack of All Trades, Master of None” Trap

I know what you’re thinking: “If I don’t control everything, who will?” It’s a valid question. But here’s the problem—when you try to have your hand in every pot, you end up spreading your influence so thin that you’re basically a glorified rubber stamp.

If you’re saying “yes” to every decision, signing off on every minor detail, and getting involved in every single project, you’re not expanding your influence. You’re diluting it. Your team can’t grow because you’ve turned them into order-takers. Meanwhile, you’re exhausted, and all your big strategic plans are collecting dust in the corner.

An Overloaded Mind Is A Confused Mind

You’ve confused being busy with being effective. By overextending your influence, you’re actually making yourself less influential. Think of your influence as a laser beam focused; it’s powerful enough to cut through steel. Spread out, it’s just a weak light show that no one takes seriously.

“Clarity begins with a clean slate. 
Clear your mind, and your mind will clear your path.”

Action Step: Choose one major area to step back from this week. Give your team full ownership and see what happens. I know, it’s terrifying, but I promise, the world won’t end.

3. Why Your Team Can’t “Just Figure It Out” Without You

The Hands-Off Fallacy

On the flip side, there’s the laissez-faire approach. Some entrepreneurs take the “set it and forget it” mentality too far, believing their Circle of Influence ends at hiring smart people. They step back completely, waiting for their brilliant team to turn vague instructions into success.

Here’s a reality check: your team isn’t full of mind readers. You’re setting them up to fail if you don’t provide clarity, direction, and consistent feedback. And when they inevitably do, you swoop in and micromanage the hell out of them, reaffirming your belief that “nobody can do it like I can.” Sound familiar?

Delegate, Don’t Abdicate

Your lack of involvement isn’t empowering your team; it’s confusing them. Without a clear sense of priorities and expectations, they’re left guessing what success looks like. This “hands-off” approach isn’t expanding your Circle of Influence—it’s rendering it useless.

Action Step: Schedule a strategy session with your team. Define clear outcomes for each project and agree on success metrics. Then, step back but stay accessible for guidance. This isn’t micromanagement; it’s strategic leadership.

4. Stop Trying to Fix What You Can’t Control

Chasing the Uncontrollable

Have you ever found yourself agonising over market trends, the economy, or your competitors’ moves? You might feel like you’re being proactive, but what you’re really doing is obsessing over things you can’t control. Expanding your influence in areas entirely outside your Circle is not just frustrating—it’s futile.

You’re not Jeff Bezos (yet). You don’t have the power to sway global markets or control your competitors’ strategies. So why are you wasting your energy trying?

Your Inner Game Defines The Outer Game

By focusing on external factors, you’re losing sight of what you can influence. You’re like a chess player so obsessed with what the other guy is doing that you forget to move your pieces. This misallocation of focus shrinks your Circle of Influence and leaves your business strategy in shambles. Instead, define your core blocks and foundation, strengthen and bulletproof them. Think of it as a safe place or a home for your business—where you go for alignment and refocusing (or a second opinion ?). 

“If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.” 

Mario Andretti

In a world where worrywarts thrive, we’ve become obsessed with fretting over hypothetical catastrophes and conjuring up worst-case scenarios that will never grace us with their presence. It’s as if we’re all starring in our personal horror movies, with our minds playing the role of the deranged director, constantly creating new and terrifying plot twists. From the fear of AI killer robots taking over to the paranoia of alien invasions, our imaginations run wild, painting vivid pictures of doom that would make even the most seasoned pessimist blush. 

STOP, right there. It’s time we embrace our inner strengths as a source of power and realise that the universe has a strange sense of humour and is unlikely to orchestrate such elaborate disasters just for our entertainment. Discard all BS right here and there and just watch things miraculously sort themselves out (in their rhythm and occasionally influenced by You). 

Feed Forward With Positivity

Bragging on that, It’s crucial to cultivate a mindset that embraces optimism and self-belief. It seems unnecessary, but let’s take that road again. First, sort out what goes in between your ears. Trust in your abilities and recognise the potential you possess. Believe that you can overcome challenges and achieve your goals. This unwavering belief acts as a catalyst for positive action and resilience. Surround yourself with supportive material that reinforces this positivity. Feed your brain with content that inspires, motivates, and encourages a growth mindset. Remember, your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality. Embrace a positive outlook, and you’ll be amazed at how things align in your favour.

Do this to prove it to yourself:

Action Step: Create a “Worry Jar.” 

Yes, and every time you start obsessing over something outside your control, write it down and put it in the jar. At the end of the week, look at the list and ask yourself: Did worrying about any of these things help? (Hint: It didn’t.) I know this works ?, but I want to hear your results. 

5. Influence Isn’t About Control—It’s About Impact

The Real Role of Influence

The biggest misconception? Believing that influence is synonymous with control. Influence isn’t about manipulating outcomes; it’s about inspiring them. It’s about setting a clear vision, aligning people around it, and empowering them to act.

If you’re stuck thinking that you must control everything to have influence, you’re missing the point entirely. Influence is a ripple effect—it starts with you, but it’s sustained by the systems, people, and values you put in place.

The Ultimate Shift From Control To Impact

When you shift your focus from control to impact, your Circle of Influence naturally expands. You stop wasting time on micromanaging and start building systems and relationships that can operate independently. You become less of a commander and more of a conductor—guiding, shaping, and inspiring rather than dictating.

“Control is an illusion. Impact is legacy. Choose wisely.”


Action Step: Write down one area where you’re overly controlling. Now, flip the script: What would it look like if you focused on making an impact instead of controlling it? What systems, conversations, or shifts would you need to create?

6. The Sweet Spot: Expanding Your Circle Without Losing Your Mind

Balance is the New Black ( please note; in business, you are always off the balance) 

So, how do you expand your Circle of Influence without stretching yourself too thin? It is very simple –  by focusing on high-impact areas and letting go of low-value distractions. This isn’t about doing more—it’s about doing better where it matters. 

What you must do to give yourself an advantage: 

  • Develop Core Systems: Automate, delegate, or eliminate low-impact processes. Use technology to streamline operations and free up time for strategic thinking.
  • Build and Empower People: Develop your team. Invest in coaching and mentorship to build a self-sustaining culture.
  • Manage Self, Define Your Own Game: Cultivate a growth mindset. Your personal beliefs and thought patterns set the tone for everything else.

The Magic Formula

The magic formula is simple: Clarity + Delegation + Feedback. Be clear about your expectations, delegate the right responsibilities to the right people, and give feedback that guides rather than dictates.

“Clarity empowers. Delegation multiplies. Feedback refines. Lead with all three.”


Action Step: Identify your top three high-impact areas. Double these for the next 30 days and see what happens. Spoiler: You’ll be shocked at how much your influence grows when you focus on what really matters. 

7. The Expanding Circle: How to Level Up Your Influence

From Influence to Mastery

Ready to take things to the next level? Here’s where we shift from merely maintaining your Circle of Influence to actively expanding it. This is where true mastery comes in—where your influence begins to shape not just your immediate surroundings but your entire industry.

Strategic Leverage Points

Identify the leverage points in your business—the areas where a small shift can produce exponential results. This could be a key relationship, a new technology, or even a shift in your company culture. Focus your energy here and watch as your influence extends beyond your immediate Circle.

Action Step: Write down one leverage point that could transform your Circle of Influence. What’s one action you can take today to move the needle?

Choose the Right Game, or Keep Losing

Here’s the brutal truth: If you’re playing the wrong game—trying to control everything, spreading yourself too thin, and obsessing over external factors—you’ll keep getting the same disappointing results. Expanding your Circle of Influence isn’t about doing more.

It’s about doing differently.

By shifting your focus to areas where you can truly make an impact, leveraging your strengths, and strategically empowering others, you’ll not only grow your business but also create a legacy of influence that extends far beyond you.

“Influence isn’t about doing more, it’s about doing differentlyFocus on impact, not control, and watch your true potential unfold.”


So, are you ready to stop playing God and start being a real leader? Because if you are, it’s time to put down the control stick and pick up the tools of true influence. 

Let’s play the game you were meant to win. A NEW and A BIGGER game.


What exactly is the Circle of Influence?

Your Circle of Influence consists of the systems, people, and personal actions where your decisions and presence can make the biggest impact.

Why is trying to control everything bad?

It’s a time-suck, causes burnout, and actually shrinks your effectiveness by turning you into a bottleneck.

How can I delegate without losing control?

Delegation isn’t about losing control; it’s about gaining leverage. Clearly define roles and outcomes, and trust your team to deliver.

What should I do if my team can’t seem to perform without me?

Start with better clarity and communication. Invest time in training and create systems that guide them instead of you hovering over every task.

How do I know if I’m overextending my influence?

If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and like nothing is getting done well, you’re overextended. Time to refocus on high-impact areas.

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